Export animated HTML5 banners

Turn your static designs into video and HTML5 animated ads with a single click and export them into a lightweight native HTML5 code which you can use on every platform.
Native HTML5 export

Why native HTML5 export matters

Native HTML5 banners ensure that your ads are lightweight, responsive, and fully compatible with web standards. Unlike raster, GIFs and video-based formats, which can be heavy and slow, HTML5 ads load faster, deliver higher engagement, and work seamlessly across devices and platforms.

HTML5 has become the gold standard for web animation because of its compatibility and performance.
Native code makes sure your ad displays properly and preserves the user experience without slowing down loading time.

Perfectly crisp

HTML5 outshines other media formats in text and vector graphics quality. While GIFs and videos often struggle with pixelation and blurriness, especially when scaled, HTML5 maintains crisp, sharp text at any resolution.

Text always remains text in a native approach — this ensures your message remains clear and professional across all screen sizes and platforms, preserving brand integrity and delivering superior visual experiences.

The Foldwrap Figma plugin is very easy to use and a lifesaver for designers who don't want to learn Google Web Designer or Adobe Animate. I had already created my designs in Figma, so this was a great resource that allowed me to quickly convert them into HTML5 banner ads and add customizable animations.
Eric Van Buskirk
Eric Van Buskirk
Freelance Designer

Lightweight code, heavy impact

Foldwrap HTML5 export built to the highest standards:

  • Minified code for faster load times
  • Clean, semantic markup for better performance
  • Crystal-clear text quality for best user experience

Learn about other features for advertiser

Launch production-ready HTML5 animated ads today