Foldwrap for freelance designers

Turn your static designs into video and HTML5 animated ads with a single click.

Automate part of your creative process, and deliver in no time.

Get started
The Foldwrap Figma plugin is very easy to use and a lifesaver for designers who don't want to learn Google Web Designer or Adobe Animate. I had already created my designs in Figma, so this was a great resource that allowed me to quickly convert them into HTML5 banner ads and add customizable animations.
Eric Van Buskirk
Eric Van Buskirk
Freelance Designer

Effortless video creation

Transform your static designs into videos with ease. Select from automatic animation presets or customize to match your vision, then enjoy your ready-to-use video in no time.
Video export

Perfect animations

Create video and animated ads without coding skills. Use the presets made especially for brand, so your ads always match brand guildelines.
Intuitive Timeline allowing you to customize animations, bringing unique movement and flair to every element of your ads.
Animation timeline in Foldwrap

Export native HTML5 banners

Get ready-to-publish cross-compatible animated HTML5 banners. Our system automatically adjusts HTML5 assets to meet each ad network's specific requirements. Optimize image quality to enhance quality and loading speeds. Ensure a consistent user experience with responsive HTML5 designs that adapt seamlessly across all devices.
Clean HTML5 output

Present your work nicely

Streamline your creatives review and approvals with side-by-side previews on a single page. You can share just one link and let your clients easily review your work.
Side by side ads review feature
Generate video and HTML5 animations now